Jog in place to make your avatar run…
Yeah, just like that!
When you reach the golden altar, hold your squat to charge the cannon.
Keep going until the cannon is fully charged. You can do it!
You’ve got it!
Aim at the target and press X to fire.
I think you’ve got the basics. The Kingdom is counting on you.
That’s Zethara. She and her minions have plagued the land, and it’s our job to stop her, adventurer.
Jog in place to make your avatar run…
Yeah, just like that!
When you reach the golden altar, hold your squat to charge the cannon. Remember to wait until the power gauge is full!
Keep going until the cannon is fully charged. You can do it!
You’ve got it! The Kingdom will be saved in no time.
Aim at the target and press X to fire.
I think you’ve got the basics. Are you ready to start your heroic adventure and defeat Zethara once and for all? The Kingdom is counting on you.