Why Voice Actors Need a Professional Voice Reel

Al Black

By Al Black

4 August 2023

How to Start an Acting Career: A Guide for Beginners - Voicereels

As a newbie, some forms of acting are easier to start than others.

To start an acting career, you need talent, practice, and a bit of luck. Just look at the stories of David Bowie and Bruce Willis. In the 1969 British film The Virgin Soldiers, Bowie is hardly noticeable in the background, yet he eventually became a legend in the entertainment world. And who could have guessed that a young Bruce Willis, with a full head of hair, would start out as an extra in Paul Newman’s The Verdict? These examples show that even the biggest stars have humble beginnings.

Though breaking into the acting industry may seem daunting at first, there are several ways to get started. If you’re wondering how to start an acting career, this beginner’s guide offers valuable insights and exciting opportunities you might not have considered, like voiceover work.

Ready to add a new dimension to your acting journey? Then let’s dive right in.

Professional Training – How to Start an Acting Career the Right Way

Before diving into the world of acting, you’ll need a solid skill set that will allow you to progress in a highly competitive field. The right introductory acting classes will not only boost your confidence but also prepare you for the challenges of the industry. With coaching, you can refine your speaking skills and train your voice to become stronger, clearer, and steadier. And since acting relies on your ability to collaborate with others and work as part of a team, engaging in training performances, rehearsals, and class exercises will allow you to hone your teamwork skills.

From learning how to read and analyse scripts to mastering the nuances of emotions and expressions, professional acting training is a great starting point for anyone who is not sure how to start an acting career.

Pick Your Niche and Build a Loyal Customer Base

As a beginner, you should know that acting is not a one-size-fits-all endeavour. That’s why excelling in a niche is essential. For instance, commercial voiceover auditions are nothing like musical theatre auditions. Choosing a niche allows customers to recognise your acting, know why your style fits their needs, and choose you over your competitors.

Even though you don’t have to know what kind of acting you’re good at right away, having a sense of direction helps in identifying different acting opportunities:

  • Stage acting for amateur, professional, or musical theatre.
  • Acting for the screen, including films, TV shows, and commercials.
  • Voice acting for animation, advertisements, clips, films, podcasts, video games, commercials, documentaries, audiobooks, courses, radio… and the list goes on!


Voice actor recording

Discover Voice Acting

A high-quality voice reel with your best content can help you build your presence in the voiceover industry. Voiceover work allows you to experiment, breathe life into animated characters, narrate captivating audiobooks, do commercials, and more. This is why voice acting is particularly useful to beginners: you can start from anywhere.

The fundamentals of voice acting involve vocal range, getting comfortable with different accents and dialects, and conveying emotions through your voice. To become a successful voice actor, you’ll need specific voiceover training, feedback, and insights from professionals. At Voicereels, we provide professional consultations and live direction to help you make the most of your voice performance and take your talent to the next level.

Show Your Talent in Two Minutes or Less

A professional voiceover reel is not just a way to demonstrate your versatility and talent to potential employers. It’s also a collection of your finest voiceover performances designed to capture your audience. Getting casting directors’ and agents’ attention in the first few seconds is crucial, so you’ll want to create an opening that makes them want to hear more.

Wondering how you can produce the best demo possible? Here’s what you need to know.

Build an Audio Resume that Stands out

Traditional portfolios include professional headshots, acting credits, any training, special skills, and contact information. But a compilation of your best voice samples shows so much more. From your range and experience, voiceover work is your introduction to casting directors and agents, so it’s important to ensure it reflects the best of your talent and is professionally made. With Voice reels, you can choose from a variety of scripts for any occasion, tailored to your voice and targeting your specific market.

Acting Auditions and Your Alternatives

Auditioning for roles is essential to getting your foot in the door in the acting world. It allows you to showcase your talents and demonstrate your abilities to casting directors. But did you know that sending a voice reel and audio resume to agencies increases your chances of getting noticed? You may be called in for auditions before they are even scheduled. As long as you see each audition as an opportunity to improve, you’ll learn to grow from each experience, even if you get turned down.

Voice reels and demo samples can also be displayed on voiceover casting sites, and this allows you to find acting work without moving a muscle!


Networking event

Network – Build More Connections

In the entertainment industry, who you know is as important as what you know. Networking not only opens doors to potential roles but also provides valuable insights and guidance from experienced professionals.

Keep your online portfolio updated with your contact details, attend industry events, join acting groups, and participate in workshops to build connections with fellow actors, casting directors, and agents. Want to learn more about how to master networking in your acting career? Read about the most actionable traits that can help you secure more acting opportunities.

Stay Persistent and Keep Learning

To start an acting career, you need persistence and determination. Being an actor isn’t easy, so you must be positive and patient to succeed. Remember that rejection may be part of the journey, which is why you should stay determined and believe in your abilities. If you celebrate your successes and learn from setbacks, your passion for acting will never fade.

Practice is essential for making a lasting impression on casting directors. And since the art of acting is a lifelong process of learning and improving, attend classes regularly, research new techniques, and stay up-to-date on industry trends as you progress your career.

Still Wondering How to Start an Acting Career?

So, now that you realise the full potential of voice acting when starting an acting career, you understand that making it as an actor requires putting your best foot forward and allowing yourself to be discovered. It’s also about making the right choices and pursuing the right connections. You can continue to develop your acting by improving your skills and the material you display.

Whether you plan to showcase your talents on stage, on screen, or with your voiceover work, you can start your acting career with a free consultation from an experienced audio producer today.


How Do I Make a Voice Reel?

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